Principal s Message

Principal's Message
“Empower yourself with a great education then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of our boundless promises”.
We the Principal, faculties and students of Dr. K.N. Modi Global School express our deep sense of gratitude to God almighty for providing us all excellent facilities needed for a CBSE School. Teachers have always been considered as pillars and markers of society. Our teachers are however professionally trained group and pulse of our society. We even understand to take of the students and guide them in meaningful learning. Nurturing the dream of children, rather than imposing our dreams on the children. Enable the young minds to flourish in a way that satisfy all.
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”.
Today the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence, but also to motivate and empower its students to be life long learners, critical themselves and productive members of an ever changing global society. More than a decade hassle DKNMGS pledge to transform education. The school that is being seen under the aegis of well established management “Western education and rural development trust” has entered its own niche. At DKNMGS we provide an atmosphere to our students for multi-faceted development where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. This can only be possible in a holistic student centric environment. The talents, skills and abilities of each student need to be identified, nourished and encouraged so that he / she is able to reach greater heights. Students need to be provided with a platform to think, express and exhibit their skills. It is necessary to empower them to negotiate several issues that confront them with the teacher being facilitator.
Our school has an outstanding reputation for establishing high expectations and achieving excellent academic results. Talents are consistently developed through sports and varied co-curricular activities. This turns result in widening the scope of education and make it more consequential. The teaching methods caters cell area of child development physical, emotional and cognitive. Activity oriented teaching provides the opportunities for students to explore a wide variety of avenues. Thus learning happens in a stress free and joyful environment.
With a long and recording history of achievement behind us. DKNMGS continued to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm. It is our duty to become a leading school in the sealm of CBSE. Educations by unique methods, maintaining quality and adapting new trends in in accordance with the changing educational scenario.
Parents are the most strengthening power of moulding the future of children. Their consistent support empower us to do more and more. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in us. I am confident enough that DKNMGS will make itself stronger day by day by adding a new leaf to the grandeur school.
Mr. V. K. Rana